What Should Be Included in a Show Report

A show report comprises a comprehensive compilation of various statistics and pertinent information pertaining to a particular performance. Serving as a crucial document for those involved in the production, it not only entails essential details like running times, audience numbers, and the technical operators on duty but also offers a glimpse into the distinctive humor of the stage management team. Beyond a mere display of numerical data, a well-crafted show report can weave together mundane facts and lighthearted anecdotes to capture the essence of a live event, encapsulating both the professional and the amusing aspects of the production.

What Is a Performance Report in Theatre?

A performance report in Theatre is a crucial document that provides a comprehensive overview of a particular show. It serves as a valuable record for the stage manager and the production team, containing essential statistics and noteworthy details about the performance. This report encompasses various aspects, ranging from running times to the number of audience members present during the show.

One key element included in a performance report is the running time, which outlines the duration of the entire performance from start to finish. This information allows the production team to analyze the efficiency of the show and make any necessary adjustments in future performances. Additionally, the number of audience members is recorded, as it provides insights into the attendance rate and overall success of the production.

Technical operators also play a vital role in a performance report. This document details the names and responsibilities of the technical crew involved in the show. It highlights their contributions and ensures that their efforts are recognized and acknowledged. It’s essential to document the technical aspects to maintain a comprehensive record of the production and ensure smooth coordination amongst the team.

Moreover, a performance report may include details about any significant incidents or noteworthy occurrences during the show. This could range from a remarkable performance by a cast member to technical difficulties that were overcome. These anecdotes add depth and character to the report, allowing the production team and future researchers to understand the intricacies and unique elements of that particular performance.

Box Office Revenue: A Performance Report Could Include Information About the Financial Success of the Show, Such as Ticket Sales and Overall Box Office Revenue.

  • Information about the financial success of the show
  • Details of ticket sales
  • Overall box office revenue

Writing a rehearsal report involves capturing vital details before the official start of the rehearsal. Essential information such as the names of actors required for scenes and any remarks regarding absences or lateness should be included. Additionally, recording the date, rehearsal number, scheduled start time, and actual starting time are crucial elements of a comprehensive report.

How Do You Write a Rehearsal Report?

Writing a rehearsal report requires careful attention to detail and thorough observation. Before the rehearsal officially begins, it’s essential to include the names of the actors needed for the upcoming scenes. Additionally, any pertinent notes about excused absences or tardies should be mentioned to ensure everyone is on the same page. Alongside this information, it’s crucial to include the date, rehearsal number, and the designated start time of the rehearsal. These details help establish a clear timeline and provide a reference point for future reports.

During the rehearsal, observations should be accurately recorded in the report, capturing notable moments, directors instructions, and any changes made to the script or blocking. This includes documenting any significant breakthroughs, character choices, or challenges faced by the actors. By recording these observations, the report becomes a valuable resource for the production team and allows them to track the progress of the rehearsal process.

Using a Rehearsal Report as a Tool for Tracking and Evaluating the Progress of the Production

  • Take detailed notes during rehearsals, including any changes to blocking, lines, or music.
  • Document any technical issues or concerns that arise during the rehearsal process.
  • Make note of any issues or conflicts that arise among cast or crew members.
  • Track the progress of each actor and their character development throughout the rehearsal period.
  • Record any feedback or notes from the director or other production team members.
  • Keep track of any changes or additions to the set, props, or costumes.
  • Note any special effects or technical elements that are incorporated into the show.
  • Track the use of rehearsal time and identify any areas where more practice is needed.
  • Evaluate the overall progress and growth of the production as it moves towards opening night.

The importance of a comprehensive rehearsal report can’t be overstated; it serves as a vital document that records the progress and details of each rehearsal. While the sections included may differ depending on the format, there are some essential components that must be present, such as costumes, lights, props, scenery, fittings, sound, schedule, and actors. Additionally, it’s crucial to provide space for the rehearsal date, location, and number, allowing for efficient organization and easy reference in the future.

What Is in a Rehearsal Report?

A rehearsal report serves as a document that summarizes the progress and details of a theatrical rehearsal. It typically includes various sections that capture important aspects of the production process. One of the essential sections found in a rehearsal report is costumes. This section outlines any costume changes, measurements, alterations, or issues encountered during the rehearsal. It serves as a record for the costume department and helps ensure a smooth transition for the actors during performances.

Lights also play a crucial role in theater productions, and a rehearsal report dedicates a section to this aspect. Information about lighting cues, adjustments, or potential problems is documented in this section. This allows the lighting team to keep track of changes and make necessary adjustments for the final show.

Props are another significant section in a rehearsal report. It accounts for any prop usage, requirements, changes, or repairs needed during the rehearsal process. This section ensures that all necessary props are accounted for and in proper working order for the actual performances.

Scenery-related details are also included in a rehearsal report. This section captures the status of set pieces, any modifications made, or challenges encountered during the rehearsal. It provides valuable information to the scenic department, allowing them to address any issues and make necessary adjustments before the shows opening.

Fittings are an integral part of a production, and the rehearsal report features a section dedicated to this aspect. It records details such as fitting dates, alterations, and costume adjustments required by the actors. This section helps the costume department stay organized and ensures that each actors fittings are properly documented.

Sound is another significant component of theatrical productions, and it’s it’s own section in a rehearsal report. This section logs any sound cues used during the rehearsal, equipment checks, or potential issues faced. It helps the sound team stay up to date with changes and ensures a smooth audio experience for the audience.

Additionally, scheduling and actor sections are always present. The scheduling section captures the rehearsal date, time, and location, ensuring everyone involved is on the same page. The actor section records any notes, feedback, or concerns specific to individual performers. It serves as a valuable tool for the director and helps keep track of the actors progress and development throughout the rehearsal process.


These intentional examples of wit not only add a personal touch to the report but also evoke a sense of camaraderie and passion within the theatrical realm. As an integral part of the production process, a well-crafted show report serves as a valuable resource for future reference and evaluation. By capturing the essence of the performance, it ensures that every aspect of the show, from technical aspects to the emotional connections with the audience, is encapsulated within it’s pages.

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